Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.

February 07, 2023
Shefford Taxis
Shefford Taxis Portfolio

01. Our Collaboration

I In today’s fast-paced world, local travel and transportation businesses must innovate to stay ahead. Shefford Taxis, a premier taxi service based in Shefford, recognized this need and partnered with Divine Teh Sol, a leading digital agency known for its cutting-edge website development and digital strategy solutions. The collaboration led to the creation of sheffordtaxis.co.uk, a platform that redefines customer service in the local taxi industry. Developed with precision, the website boasts an intuitive design, seamless booking functionality, and comprehensive service information that caters to the modern traveler. Divine Teh Sol’s expertise in web development has ensured a site that is not only visually appealing but also robust, secure, and responsive across all devices.

02. Driving SEO Strategies

Understanding the importance of visibility in the digital age, Divine Teh Sol implemented a holistic SEO strategy for Shefford Taxis. Through meticulous market research, keyword optimization, and content creation, the agency has significantly improved the website’s search engine ranking, ensuring it reaches its target audience effectively. The strategy encompasses on-page and off-page SEO techniques, including local SEO to capture the community Shefford Taxis serves. This comprehensive approach has resulted in increased website traffic, higher booking rates, and an enhanced online presence that sets Shefford Taxis apart from competitors.

03. Web Design & Development

In the digital realm, first impressions are crucial. Divine Teh Sol’s approach to website design for Shefford Taxis focuses on creating an engaging user experience that embodies the brand’s values and service excellence. The website’s design is not just about aesthetics but also usability and accessibility, ensuring that all potential customers, regardless of their tech-savviness, can navigate the site effortlessly. The agency’s attention to detail, from color schemes that reflect Shefford Taxis’ brand identity to layout designs that facilitate easy information retrieval, underscores their commitment to delivering bespoke digital solutions that resonate with users.

04. Handling BPO

Beyond digital marketing and web development, Divine Teh Sol provides Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services that have been instrumental in optimizing Shefford Taxis’ operational efficiency. From handling customer inquiries and bookings to managing back-office tasks, Divine Teh Sol’s BPO solutions allow Shefford Taxis to focus on its core mission—delivering exceptional taxi services. The strategic integration of BPO practices has led to improved customer satisfaction, reduced overhead costs, and a more agile business model that can adapt to market changes swiftly.
